Thursday, January 19, 2012

Impossible Prayer

I am not making a New Year's Resolution.  I have never really made them, but I resolve not to.  Multiple conversations throughout the past month and semester have led me to make a new purpose for myself, not a resolution.

As the book Discipleship by Design would teach, a Godly purpose leads to Godly goals, and then to correct priorities.  Goals are specific and accomplishable and should reflect the broad Purpose.

So, with a purpose to know God more this next year, I have come up with a Goal that seems absolutely impossible.  However, I know it IS actually achievable and I have made a plan to see it happen.

By the end of the year, I want to be able to spend an hour in prayer 6 out of 7 days of the week, and at least 30 minutes on the 7th day.

This is nuts! It seems crazy! How could I EVER do that? There's no way!

As you see, my first reactions are nothing but encouraging.

The Plan

January 10 min 3 days/wk 5 min remaining days
February 15 min 4 days/wk 10 min remaining days
March 20 min 4 days/wk 10 min remaining days
June 30 min 4 days/wk 10 min remaining days
August 40 min 5 days/wk 15 min remaining days
September 45 min 5 days/wk 15 min remaining days
October 50 min 5 days/wk 20 min remaining days
November 50 min 6 days/wk 30 min remaining days
December 1 hour 6 days/wk 30 min remaining days

It ISN'T crazy!  In fact, the goals for January seem EASY! With that in mind, the next step, in February doesn't seem hard either.  And so-on and so-forth. 

As you might have noticed, I skipped months.  That's ok, I plan to keep praying during those months :)

Also, I want to take time to recognize that prayer is not all about the time spent; it is about quality time.  Really seeking God.  Really listening to HIM.  These are things I don't plan to have perfect all year long.  I know that this will be a learning experience for me.  It will not be easy; it will not always be fun.  I expect I will be a very different person by the end of next year, not because I am really trying to change myself, but because spending this much time in the presence of God cannot leave me unchanged.  

The reason I am posting this is really to keep me accountable.  Because this is now public, there is no going back.  

Here we go!! (spoken in the Mario voice)

For music, we've landed on the letter "J"

Jason Mraz will win this one. He makes me think, and I like his voice. A great combination.

I'm not ready

Read this story.

All the way through.  I found this blog, from a blog, from a blog.  I do not know her, but I know that, at least, this particular post makes a whole lot of sense to my life right now.

I WILL write about student teaching someday, when I have some time.  (as if I will have time while student teaching)

Alphabet Music Challenge: K

When you listen to this song, dance - it should be hard to sit still.  Get up, jump around. Do something. At least add it to your work out mix.

Artist: K'naan
Song: Waving Flag

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Everything Revolves Around Food

Do you ever feel like your life revolves around food?  Even as I write this blog, I am keeping a tab on the clock so I make sure I'll be ready in time to leave for a lunch with friends.  Something has to change.  Not the friends, just the massive amounts of food.  I feel some self discipline is on the way.  ...Maybe.

Our family has always joked that our family trips revolve around where we want to eat.  Which is true.  We know where the good restaurants are in Missouri are and we make sure we make it for either lunch or dinner.  Holidays revolve around food; we even give food as presents.  Almost all church events seem to involve food: either eating at them or eating after.  

A good friend of mine, Erin, just came up to visit; food wasn't the MAIN event, but it was at least second billing.  

Left: Erin at Tres Casas after she got here.  Right: Me at Cafe Brazil after The Nutcracker. Bellow: both of us after the show (sorry for the poor picture quality).

There's nothing inherently wrong with any of this.  We were made to eat three times a day.  That will automatically take up a large portion of anyones life.  But there IS something off with what we're doing now.  I went out to eat for all 3 meals a couple of days ago, which might be ok if I didn't feel so terribly full after every one of the meals.

Meh.  I don't know exactly what to change (in addition to self discipline for smaller portions).  Just thoughts.  I know I am not the only one; that's why it's ok for me to write this particular blog.  Someone else needs a kick before the holiday food gets the best of them.

 For music today, we're on the letter I

Ingrid Michaelson: You'll get 2 songs for 1 today, because I like them both.

 I'll dedicate this first song to Roni though because it was one of the theme songs for our road trip that happened ages ago. :)

Ingrid Michaelson • Be OK

Ingrid Michaelson • You and I
This is another good song by her. The music video is strange though.
In fact, just keep listening to more of her music.

Go ahead.  Sing along.

Thursday, December 08, 2011


Ok, not quite.  But I'm pretty close!

I am, however, finished with the normal part of my degree.  I finished my last final today.

Next semester, starting January 2, I will be Ms. Snider, a student-teacher in the band program at Burleson ISD. (I guess this is the solution to my dilemma of whether my name is Amanda or Elaine)

The overwhelming question I keep getting is, "Are you excited?"  I'm not sure yet.  I think I will be, when I realize what's going on.  I feel like it hasn't hit me yet.  Like I have taken the time to think about it enough to be excited.  I have spent 31/2+ years developing the skills needed to teach, and now I am about to go put all of that to use.  That is exciting!

I still think I'm more nervous than anything else.  There will be no faking it next semester.  No room for a lack of preparedness.  No rolling out of bed and running to class.  No wardrobe crises to make me run late.  It seems like next semester I am going to have to be perfect... or somewhere close.

Friday, September 09, 2011

The Greek Alphabet

So, my roommate is studying Greek, and this helped her learn the alphabet. :)

Why doesn't the english alphabet have a cool song like this?

Wish the sound was better.