Monday, September 05, 2011

Labor Day

It is currently 76 outside and it's also labor day.  My checklist is entirely too long for me to actually finish.  So instead of taking all day to do work that I will not actually finish, I will take today to relax and get a little bit of work done. It IS a holiday after all.

This morning started off productive. I read for one of my classes, did my devotion, started laundry.... All of my plans went out the window though when Roni and I decided to open the windows.  The weather is SO nice outside, and it makes me want to really take in the beauty of it.  Seriously.  There is a reason God commanded us to have a Day of Rest.  I don't do this often enough.  My weekends are just as full as the rest of my week.

I know that a lack of rest results in burn-out.  I also know that I will NEVER completely finish my checklist, there will always be something else to do.  So, it isn't like taking time to rest keeps me from finishing something.  In fact, it gives me the desire TO finish more things because I am not so worn out. Rest brings nothing but good things.  Why do I not take the time to do it?

Well, I am today.

On a side note, I love how weather and smells bring back specific memories.  Yesterday, I helped my brother take one of our ladders to the church for a project he was going to work on.   The ladder used to be Papa's and now it's ours.  It STILL smells like my grandparents garage in Puxico, MO!  That brought back memories of playing with Alex, Sarah, and Ethan in their back yard.  It also brought back memories of me playing by myself because I would only play with them if I got to be the princess.  :)  Hahaha!

Today, as I walked outside and the weather hit me, I could only remember marching band season.  When the weather started getting a little nicer, the entire band was in a good mood!  Consequently, rehearsal was fun, but sometimes not very productive.  The break time before Monday rehearsals was always more fun when the weather was nice, too.  There were multiple trips to Chicken E and to the dollar store to get random toys to play with before rehearsal.  It also made for much better marching contests.  Sitting in the stands was a lot more fun when it felt wonderful outside.  Life was good. As much as I complained then, I enjoyed it.

Ok, for the Alphabet Music challenge today: The letter is F.

My artists are Fryderyk Chopin and Franz Liszt with my absolute favorite piano pieces.

After about 4:10 is my favorite! I used to listen to this piece over and over again just to hear that moment.

Nocturne in D-Flat Major • Fryderyk Chopin

Trois Etudes de Concert, No. 3, Un Sospiro • Franz Liszt

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